Monday, May 27, 2013


So I am assessing my direction in what field that I'm passionate about. Because I really want to dabble in every single field of art if I had the time and opportunity to do so. I see that concept art is really grabbing my attention and I know if I want to pursue this career I have to gear my portfolio towards this sector.

Time is truly important! I see now that as I get older and head forward in life, that it takes a toll on you. With the bills, work, and school; it's hard to maintain all that and focus on yourself projects. I find myself in a tired stage all the time now, just trying get projects in for class, and even projects for clients when I can squeeze that in. The biggest thing is to not take on more than you can chew because it's impossible to work two jobs, go to school, freelance and produce your own personal work and to maintain the level of rest required. Believe me, I know because I've done it! It's doesn't make you successful that way.

When focusing and gearing towards your direction, try to stay humble, but also envision yourself at the finish line. The reason I say that because "procrastination" is a big problem, when you get distracted. I go through it from time to time and just doesn't get you anywhere, but missing deadlines. And what drives that for me is the fact that I have so many ideas for so many other projects than the one I'm working on and that can be from the fact that you might not be passionate about the project your doing. Others, are the fact that I get "art block" or the simple fact that I'm tired and restless. Those are my biggest things that give me the room for procrastination from time to time. It's very hard to conquer it all the time, but you can be it by simple looking at two things that will keep you on course and that's to accept projects that your comfortable and passionate about, and also the money aspect of the project when It's all said and done.

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